UPDATE: Aria Operations for Logs persistent static route on second network interface on behalf of Log Forwarding

There is an update on the blog post “vRealize Log Insight persistent static route on second network interface on behalf of Log Forwarding”. Beginning with version Aria Operations for Logs 8.14, the VAME_CONF_NET is no longer available, it’s removed in this version.

The information in the orignal blog post can still be used. Only now you need to manually create and predefine the 10-eth1.network configuration. See example at the bottom of the original post.

There are two important things to consider:

  1. Keep in mind that multic-nic configurations in Aria Ops for Logs is not officially supported
  2. After every update the 2nd interface must be recreated and configured again

Orginal post:

Recently I wanted to test whether it is possible to configure vRealize Log Insight (vRLI) log forwarding to a second network interface to reach a log target in another network segment that could not be reached from the default vRLI appliance ip address.

The first step is adding a second network interface to the appliance. In this example we use the following network configuration.

  1. VMnic1
    Vlan10, IP, Subnetmask, Gateway
  2. VMnic2
    Vlan20, IP, Subnetmask, Gateway
  3. In this example the log forwarding target ip address is

To configure the second network interface open a SSH session to vRLI appliance. Move to /opt/vmware/share/vami/ and run the network configuration script. vami_config_net. Eth1 is now also available for configuration. First select ‘0’ for a configuration overview. In the results is an error on eth1 displayed. This error keeps us from being able to configure eth1.

After some ‘Trial & Error’ research I noticed the following error during reconfiguring eth1 “can’t open /etc/systemd/network/10-eth1.network

In the directory /etc/systemd/network is the file “10-eth1.network” not present. The name of the file could be different then here in this example. It depends on the number of network interfaces. I fixed this issue by creating this file manual.

  1. touch /etc/systemd/network/10-eth1.network
  2. chmod 644 /etc/systemd/network/10-eth1.network
  3. Config the second network interface. Go to the directory /opt/vmware/share/vami/ and run the network configution script. vami_config_net. Eth1 is now also available for configuation.
  4. Check the new configuration by selecting option 0. If Ok press 1 to exit
  5. Restart the network, systemctl restart systemd-networkd.service

Now this issue is fixed we can move on to configure the persistant static route for vRLI log forwarding.

Edit /etc/systemd/network/10-eth1.network

The file shlould look like this before editing:




Now add route information at the end of the file:




Save the file and restart the network service.

systemctl restart systemd-networkd.service

Check if the new route is present.

route -n

Test if you reach the destionation from CLI. I used Syslog over UDP port 514.

nc -v 514

Answer if configuration is working:

[ 514] open

The last step is to configure the vRLI Log Forwarding Destination.

Send a test event and check if the event is received by the target.

Keep in mind that multic-nic configurations in vRLI are not officially supported.

Also credits to this blog post that pushed me in the right direction.

PowerCLI script to get Syslog.Global.Host advanced setting

The following script may be useful if you are in the process of migrating vRealize Log Insight to a new appliance/cluster. You can use this script before, during and after migrating to check the settings of Syslog.Global.Loghost of all ESXi hosts in vCenter.

# Connect to vCenter Server
Connect-VIServer <vCenterServer>

# Get all ESXi hosts in the cluster
$hosts = get-vmhost

# Loop through each ESXi host and get the syslog.global.loghost advanced setting
foreach ($esxi in $hosts) {
    $setting = Get-AdvancedSetting -Entity $esxi -Name 'syslog.global.loghost'
    Write-Host "$($esxi.Name): $($setting.Value)"

# Disconnect from vCenter Server
Disconnect-VIServer <vCenterServer> -Confirm:$false

For example: You can use the script during vRealize Log Insight in the following way:

  • Before migration
    Check the current configured syslog endpoint
  • During migration
    Check the current and new syslog endpoints are configured
  • After migration
    Check the new configured syslog endpoint

vRealize Log Insight Admin Alert: SSL Certificate Error (Host =vrli.vrmware.nl)

This time a short post about a vRealize Log Insight (vrLI) configuration issue that took too long to solve. In the end, the solution is simple after I found the documentation. Finding the right documentation was the hardest part.

Just briefly the reason of this setup. I want ESXi hosts to use Syslog over SSL to send logging encrypted to vRLI.

While adding the vCenter I configured the hosts to use SSL.

After configuring, everything seemed to work fine, until I got a vRLI Admin mail with the following alert:

This alert is about your Log Insight installation on https://vrli.vrmware.nl/

SSL Certificate Error (Host = vrli.vrmware.nl) triggered at 2023-04-16T09:23:53.412Z

This notification was generated from Log Insight node (Host = vrli.vrmware.nl, Node Identifier = de568ad3-d4e3-7f8a-b543-cef17632af11).

Syslog client esx01.vrmware.nl disconnected due to a SSL handshake problem. This may be a problem with the SSL Certificate or with the Network Time Service. In order for Log Insight to accept syslog messages over SSL, a certificate that is validated by the client is required and the clocks of the systems must be in sync.

Log messages from esx01.vrmware.nl are not being accepted, reconfigure that system to not use SSL or see Online Help for instructions on how to install a new SSL certificate .

This message was generated by your Log Insight installation, visit the Documentation Center for more information.

Time couldn’t be the issue in my case. So it had to be a certificate issue. The issue was caused by the vRLI certificate that wasn’t in the ESXi host truststore.

Per ESXi host, the following steps should be taken to solve the issue. Step 3 is only a verification step.

  1. openssl s_client -connect [FDQN or IP vRLI]:1514 < /dev/null | openssl x509 -outform PEM >> /etc/vmware/ssl/castore.pem
    Example: openssl s_client -connect vrli.vmware.nl:1514 < /dev/null | openssl x509 -outform PEM >> /etc/vmware/ssl/castore.pem
  2. esxcli system syslog reload
  3. esxcli network ip connection list | grep 1514

If ESXi hosts have the vRLI certificate in their truststore, the vRLI Admin mail (1x per day per vRLI node) should no longer occur.

Here is the link to the VMware documentation. This documentation is actually for vRLI Cloud which is a different product than standard vRLI although they overlap in some areas. The documentation for vRLI will be updated according to VMware GSS.

So this is probably why the vRLI documentation on this topic was so hard to find. Hopefully this blog post will save you a lot of time.