PowerCLI script to get Syslog.Global.Host advanced setting

The following script may be useful if you are in the process of migrating vRealize Log Insight to a new appliance/cluster. You can use this script before, during and after migrating to check the settings of Syslog.Global.Loghost of all ESXi hosts in vCenter.

# Connect to vCenter Server
Connect-VIServer <vCenterServer>

# Get all ESXi hosts in the cluster
$hosts = get-vmhost

# Loop through each ESXi host and get the syslog.global.loghost advanced setting
foreach ($esxi in $hosts) {
    $setting = Get-AdvancedSetting -Entity $esxi -Name 'syslog.global.loghost'
    Write-Host "$($esxi.Name): $($setting.Value)"

# Disconnect from vCenter Server
Disconnect-VIServer <vCenterServer> -Confirm:$false

For example: You can use the script during vRealize Log Insight in the following way:

  • Before migration
    Check the current configured syslog endpoint
  • During migration
    Check the current and new syslog endpoints are configured
  • After migration
    Check the new configured syslog endpoint

Set ProductLocker Location with PowerCLI

Something I struggled with in the past is setting the productlocker, hassle with scripts and ssh and avoiding host reboots. Today we had to configure another 20 hosts with this and I was pointed to a solution doing it with the MOB. So my next thing was, how to automate this. And with 2 simple foreach loops you can set it and check it and be done!

Setting all hosts from a cluster with a specific path for the productlocker

$allhosts = get-cluster "clustername" | get-vmhost

foreach ($hostname in $allhosts){
Get-VMhost -Name $hostname | %{$_.ExtensionData.UpdateProductLockerLocation_Task("/vmfs/volumes/pathname")}

Query all hosts in a cluster to check what location is set

$allhosts = get-cluster "clustername" | get-vmhost

foreach ($hostname in $allhosts){
Get-VMhost -Name $hostname | %{$_.ExtensionData.QueryProductLockerLocation()}
Write-Host $hostname -ForegroundColor Green

Source: Hollebollevan