Cannot install the vCenter Server agent(HA) service. Unknown installer error (UPDATE)

Almost two years ago I wrote a blogpost about a failure during installing the vCenter Server agent(HA) service. This post is one of most read articles on my blog. You can find the orginal post here. Recently, I ran into this problem again. This time I could not solve the problem using my earlier post.

I have found a workaround to this problem that is easy to implement and works well. I have been able to use it successfully several times recently.

  • Put the ESXi host in Maintenance Mode
  • SSH to the ESXi host
  • esxcli software vib remove -n vmware-fdm (no reboot needed)
  • Wait a few minutes and the result should like this:

Removal Result
Message: Operation finished successfully.
   Reboot Required: false
   VIBs Installed:
   VIBs Removed: VMware_bootbank_vmware-fdm_7.0.3-19193900
   VIBs Skipped:

  • Check if the vCenter Server agent is removed
  • esxcli software vib list | grep fdm (result should be empty)
  • Exit Maintenance Mode, HA agent will be installed
  • Check if the vCenter Server agent is installed
  • esxcli software vib list | grep fdm (result should be like this:
    vmware-fdm 7.0.3-19193900 VMware VMwareCertified 2022-10-12
  • Done

One Reply to “Cannot install the vCenter Server agent(HA) service. Unknown installer error (UPDATE)”

  1. Thank you for this. It didn’t exactly fix my problem but got me close enough to discover the root cause. A budget SSD that was holding an empty datastore had finally ceased to function – but was still marked as A-ok by vCenter.

    Dropping into the command line, I attempted to remove the fdm agent and got a disk access error. Dug a little deeper and just unmounted and deleted the failed disk. vCenter was able to reinstall the agent automatically.

    Thanks for the excellent website!

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